History of the club
Certainly, when desired it is possible to indicate the precise date of the creation of our club - when six rat-fanciers banded together and, finally, after one additional series of considerations, The club Charter was accepted. But this history, certainly, will not be complete. Indeed by that time we all were familiar for long time, so that club was borne not at the empty place.
I would begin story since 1999, i.e., from that time, when I myself learned about the fact that there are numerous enthusiasts of the rat matter in the network. The large group of rat-fanciers was based in the the echo- conference of FIDO7.PVT.MOUSE.CLUB. Just there we told each other, how we feed our wards, what cells we buy and how treat. Whereas there were no any books about the rats and information on Russian language in the network, the such communication was a real rescue for all us. And I just do not speak about what a happiness for all us it was to find the place, where with the reference of rats they do not turn by finger in temple, but with the enthusiasm exclaim "And me too..."

Unfortunately, conference was not characterized by convenient service, so that many rat-fanciers dreamed that the more comfortable place for the contact would appear. When the forum apperared on the site "The house of the blue rat " created by Svetlana simanovoy at the end of 1999, we gradually moved there. Some new participants appeared in our conversations about the rats. However, all this was only virtual communication. Conversations in the conferences, letters on the electronic mail, undoubtedly, they made their matter, in each of us appeared not one ten friends in the the different cities. And it became clear that it would be good (at least that, who lives in Moscow) to be gathered together. Conversation was not about the club, as such, but just about consuetude. But since there were no place to encounter, it remained to await, when someone will propose its apartment as rendezvous point. And here on the 1 of October, 2000 the first encounter of rat-fanciers of Moscow took place. There were not many people, but beginning was established.
And then there were other encounters... Frequent and not very, populous and those, where it were six or eight men... But the main thing - contact of rat-fanciers of Moscow was continued. Conversations about the creation of club appeared sometimes, but everybody knew, what a hard was this matter, so that further conversations the matter did not go... Sometimes it were discussed the idea to make an all-Russian club, but this was even more complexly carry out, and some controversies emerged between the rat-fanciers of different cities about how do the club must appear and what positions must lie in its basis. It seems to me that the creation of Moscow club at that time mixed exactly the desire to make the united rat club for all country, disregarding of the explicit divergences in the views on the development of rat breeding.
The most active rat-fanciers of Moscow returned to the idea of the creation of Moscow club only later, in 2002. The club in Saint Petersburg has already began its work (their organization was created during February 2001). Muscovites also solved, that it came the time to be combined. The first versions of Charter and other documents Of Moscow club appeared. Probably, it was possible to design everything more rapidly, but occasionally we simply did not have enough experience. Fortunately, on the 6 of October, 2002, the Moscow club af the fanciers of decorative rats nevertheless appeared. Specifically, into this day Simanova Svetlana, Fedorova Julia, Kvitnyy Aleksandr, Kosareva Yeugenia, Golovanova Svetlana and Vorobyeva Olga, after being gathered together, conducted the first meeting where accepted the Charter of club and after selected Administration. From this day we could proudly call ourselves the members of the club of krysolyubov.